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Installing Roundcube


Unless otherwise stated, all of the given commands are expected to be executed in the mailcow installation directory, i.e., the directory containing mailcow.conf etc. Please do not blindly execute the commands but understand what they do. None of the commands is supposed to produce an error, so if you encounter an error, fix it if necessary before continuing with the subsequent commands.

Note on composer usage

This guide uses composer to update roundcube dependencies or install / update roundcube plugins.

The roundcube-plugin-installer composer plugin has a design issue that can lead to composer errors when packages are upgraded or uninstalled in the composer execution.

The error message will typically tell you that a require in autoload_real.php failed because a file could not be opened. Example:

In autoload_real.php line 43:
  require(/web/rc/vendor/composer/../guzzlehttp/promises/src/functions_include.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory

Unfortunately these occur quite frequently, but they can be worked around by updating the autoloader and re-running the failed command:

docker exec -it -w /web/rc $(docker ps -f name=php-fpm-mailcow -q) composer dump-autoload -o
# Now execute the command that failed again


First we load mailcow.conf so we have access to the mailcow configuration settings for the following commands.

source mailcow.conf

Download Roundcube 1.6.x (check for latest release and adapt URL) to the web directory and extract it (here rc/):

mkdir -m 755 data/web/rc
wget -O - | tar -xvz --no-same-owner -C data/web/rc --strip-components=1 -f -
docker exec -it $(docker ps -f name=php-fpm-mailcow -q) chown www-data:www-data /web/rc/logs /web/rc/temp
docker exec -it $(docker ps -f name=php-fpm-mailcow -q) chown root:www-data /web/rc/config
docker exec -it $(docker ps -f name=php-fpm-mailcow -q) chmod 750 /web/rc/logs /web/rc/temp /web/rc/config

Optional: Spellchecking

If you need spell check features, create a file data/hooks/phpfpm/ with the following content, then chmod +x data/hooks/phpfpm/ This installs a local spell check engine. Note, most modern web browsers have built in spell check, so you may not want/need this.

apk update
apk add aspell-en # or any other language

Install mime type mappings

Download the mime.types file as it is not included in the php-fpm container.

wget -O data/web/rc/config/mime.types

Create roundcube database

Create a database for roundcube in the mailcow MySQL container. This creates a new roundcube database user with a random password, which will be echoed to the shell and stored in a shell variable for use by later commands. Note that when you interrupt the process and continue in a new shell, you must set the DBROUNDCUBE shell variable manually to the password output by the following commands.

DBROUNDCUBE=$(LC_ALL=C </dev/urandom tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 2> /dev/null | head -c 28)
echo Database password for user roundcube is $DBROUNDCUBE
docker exec -it $(docker ps -f name=mysql-mailcow -q) mysql -uroot -p${DBROOT} -e "CREATE DATABASE roundcubemail CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;"
docker exec -it $(docker ps -f name=mysql-mailcow -q) mysql -uroot -p${DBROOT} -e "CREATE USER 'roundcube'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '${DBROUNDCUBE}';"
docker exec -it $(docker ps -f name=mysql-mailcow -q) mysql -uroot -p${DBROOT} -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON roundcubemail.* TO 'roundcube'@'%';"

Roundcube configuration

Create a file data/web/rc/config/ with the following content. - The des_key option is set to a random value. It is used to temporarily store your IMAP password. - The plugins list can be adapted to your preference. I added a set of standard plugins that I consider of common usefulness and which work well together with mailcow: - The archive plugin adds an archive button that moves selected messages to a user-configurable archive folder. - The managesieve plugin provides a user-friendly interface to manage server-side mail filtering and vacation / out of office notification. - The acl plugin allows to manage access control lists on IMAP folders, including the ability to share IMAP folders to other users. - The markasjunk plugin adds buttons to mark selected messages as junk (or messages in the junk folder not as junk) and moves them to the junk folder or back to the inbox. The sieve filters included with mailcow will take care that action triggers a learn as spam/ham action in rspamd, so no further configuration of the plugin is needed. - The zipdownload plugin allows to download multiple message attachments or messages as a zip file. - If you didn't install spell check in the above step, remove spellcheck_engine parameter.

cat <<EOCONFIG >data/web/rc/config/
\$config['db_dsnw'] = 'mysql://roundcube:${DBROUNDCUBE}@mysql/roundcubemail';
\$config['imap_host'] = 'dovecot:143';
\$config['smtp_host'] = 'postfix:588';
\$config['smtp_user'] = '%u';
\$config['smtp_pass'] = '%p';
\$config['support_url'] = '';
\$config['product_name'] = 'Roundcube Webmail';
\$config['cipher_method'] = 'chacha20-poly1305';
\$config['des_key'] = '$(LC_ALL=C </dev/urandom tr -dc "A-Za-z0-9 !#$%&()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_{|}~" 2> /dev/null | head -c 32)';
\$config['plugins'] = [
\$config['spellcheck_engine'] = 'aspell';
\$config['mime_types'] = '/web/rc/config/mime.types';
\$config['enable_installer'] = true;

\$config['managesieve_host'] = 'dovecot:4190';
// Enables separate management interface for vacation responses (out-of-office)
// 0 - no separate section (default); 1 - add Vacation section; 2 - add Vacation section, but hide Filters section
\$config['managesieve_vacation'] = 1;

docker exec -it $(docker ps -f name=php-fpm-mailcow -q) chown root:www-data /web/rc/config/
docker exec -it $(docker ps -f name=php-fpm-mailcow -q) chmod 640 /web/rc/config/

Initialize database

Point your browser to https://myserver/rc/installer. Check that the website shows no "NOT OK" check results on any of the steps, some "NOT AVAILABLE" are expected regarding different database extensions of which we only need MySQL. Initialize the database and leave the installer. It is not necessary to update the configuration with the downloaded one, unless you made some settings in the installer you would like to take over.

Webserver configuration

The roundcube directory includes some locations that we do not want to serve to web users. We add a configuration extension to nginx to only expose the public directory of roundcube.

cat <<EOCONFIG >data/conf/nginx/site.roundcube.custom
location /rc/ {
  alias /web/rc/public_html/;

Disable and remove installer

Delete the directory data/web/rc/installer after a successful installation, and set the enable_installer option to false in data/web/rc/config/

rm -r data/web/rc/installer
sed -i -e "s/\(\$config\['enable_installer'\].* = \)true/\1false/" data/web/rc/config/

Update roundcube dependencies

This step is not strictly necessary, but at least at the time of this writing the dependencies shipped with roundcube included versions with security vulnerabilities, so it may be a good idea to update the dependencies to the latest versions. For the same reason, it may be a good idea to run the composer update once in a while.

cp -n data/web/rc/composer.json-dist data/web/rc/composer.json
docker exec -it -w /web/rc $(docker ps -f name=php-fpm-mailcow -q) composer update --no-dev -o

You can also use composer audit to check for any reported security issues with the installed set of composer packages:

docker exec -it -w /web/rc $(docker ps -f name=php-fpm-mailcow -q) composer audit

Allow plaintext authentication for the php-fpm container without using TLS

We need to allow plaintext authentication in dovecot over unencrypted connection (inside the container network), which is per default mailcow installation only possible for the SOGo container for the very same purpose. Afterwards restart the dovecot container so the change becomes effective.

cat  <<EOCONFIG >>data/conf/dovecot/extra.conf
remote ${IPV4_NETWORK}.0/24 {
  disable_plaintext_auth = no
remote ${IPV6_NETWORK} {
  disable_plaintext_auth = no

docker compose restart dovecot-mailcow

Ofelia job for roundcube housekeeping

Roundcube needs to clean some stale information from the database every once in a while, for which we will create an ofelia job that runs the roundcube script.

To do this, add the following to docker-compose.override.yml (if you already have some adaptations for the php-fpm container, add the labels to the existing section):

      ofelia.enabled: "true"
      ofelia.job-exec.roundcube_cleandb.schedule: "@every 168h"
      ofelia.job-exec.roundcube_cleandb.user: "www-data"
      ofelia.job-exec.roundcube_cleandb.command: "/bin/bash -c \"[ -f /web/rc/bin/ ] && /web/rc/bin/\""

Optional extra functionality

Enable change password function in Roundcube

Changing the mailcow password from the roundcube UI is supported via the password plugin. We will configure it to use the mailcow API to update the password, which requires to enable the API first and to get the API key (read/write API access required). The API can be enabled in the mailcow admin interface, where you can also find the API key.

Open data/web/rc/config/ and enable the password plugin by adding it to the $config['plugins'] array, for example:

$config['plugins'] = array(

Configure the password plugin (be sure to adapt **API_KEY** to you mailcow read/write API key):

cat <<EOCONFIG >data/web/rc/plugins/password/
\$config['password_driver'] = 'mailcow';
\$config['password_confirm_current'] = true;
\$config['password_mailcow_api_host'] = 'http://nginx';
\$config['password_mailcow_api_token'] = '**API_KEY**';

Note: If you have changed the mailcow nginx configuration to redirect http requests to https (e.g., as described here), then directly talking to the nginx container via http will not work because nginx is not a hostname contained in the certificate. In such cases, set password_mailcow_api_host in the above configuration to the public URI instead:

cat <<EOCONFIG >data/web/rc/plugins/password/
\$config['password_driver'] = 'mailcow';
\$config['password_confirm_current'] = true;
\$config['password_mailcow_api_host'] = 'https://${MAILCOW_HOSTNAME}';
\$config['password_mailcow_api_token'] = '**API_KEY**';

Integrate CardDAV addressbooks in Roundcube

Install the latest v5 version (the config below is compatible with v5 releases) using composer. Answer Y when asked if you want to activate the plugin.

docker exec -it -w /web/rc $(docker ps -f name=php-fpm-mailcow -q) composer require --update-no-dev -o "roundcube/carddav:~5"

Edit the file data/web/rc/plugins/carddav/ and insert the following content:

cat <<EOCONFIG >data/web/rc/plugins/carddav/
\$prefs['_GLOBAL']['pwstore_scheme'] = 'des_key';

\$prefs['SOGo'] = [
    'accountname'    => 'SOGo',
    'username'       => '%u',
    'password'       => '%p',
    'discovery_url'  => 'http://sogo:20000/SOGo/dav/',
    'name'           => '%N',
    'use_categories' => true,
    'fixed'          => ['username', 'password'],

RCMCardDAV will add all addressbooks of the user on login, including subscribed addressbooks shared to the user by other users.

If you want to remove the default addressbooks (stored in the Roundcube database), so that only the CardDAV addressbooks are accessible, append $config['address_book_type'] = ''; to the config file data/web/rc/config/

Note: RCMCardDAV uses additional database tables. After installing (or upgrading) RCMCardDAV, it is required to log in roundcube (log out first if already logged in) because the database table creation / changes are performed only during the login to roundcube.

Forward the client network address to dovecot

Normally, the IMAP server dovecot will see the network address of the php-fpm container when roundcube interacts with the IMAP server. Using an IMAP extension and the dovecot_client_ip roundcube plugin, it is possible for roundcube to tell dovecot the client IP, so it will also show up in the logs as the remote IP. When doing this, login attempts will show in the dovecot logs like any direct client connections to dovecot, and such failed logins into roundcube will be treated in the same manner as failed direct IMAP logins, causing blocking of the client with the netfilter container or other mechanisms that may already be in place to handle bruteforce attacks on the IMAP server.

For this, the roundcube plugin must be installed.

docker exec -it -w /web/rc $(docker ps -f name=php-fpm-mailcow -q) composer require --update-no-dev -o "foorschtbar/dovecot_client_ip:~2"

Edit the file data/web/rc/config/ and insert the following content:

cat <<EOCONFIG >>data/web/rc/config/
\$config['dovecot_client_ip_trusted_proxies'] = ['${IPV4_NETWORK}.0/24', '${IPV6_NETWORK}'];

Furthermore, we must configure dovecot to treat the php-fpm container as part of a trusted network so it is allowed to override the client IP in the IMAP session. Note that this also enables plaintext authentication for the listed network ranges, so the explicit overridings of disable_plaintext_auth done above are not necessary when using this.

cat  <<EOCONFIG >>data/conf/dovecot/extra.conf
login_trusted_networks = ${IPV4_NETWORK}.0/24 ${IPV6_NETWORK}

docker compose restart dovecot-mailcow

You can add Roundcube's link to the mailcow Apps list. To do this, open or create data/web/inc/ and make sure it includes the following configuration block:


        'name' => 'SOGo',
        'link' => '/SOGo/'
        'name' => 'Roundcube',
        'link' => '/rc/'

Let admins log into Roundcube without password

First, install plugin dovecot_impersonate and add Roundcube as an app (see above).

docker exec -it -w /web/rc/plugins $(docker ps -f name=php-fpm-mailcow -q) git clone

Open data/web/rc/config/ and enable the dovecot_impersonate plugin by adding it to the $config['plugins'] array, for example:

$config['plugins'] = array(

Edit mailcow.conf and add the following:

# Allow admins to log into Roundcube as email user (without any password)
# Roundcube with plugin dovecot_impersonate must be installed first


Edit docker-compose.override.yml and crate/extend the section for php-fpm-mailcow:


Edit data/web/js/site/mailbox.js and the following code after if (ALLOW_ADMIN_EMAIL_LOGIN) { ... }

  item.action += '<a href="/rc-auth.php?login=' + encodeURIComponent(item.username) + '" class="login_as btn btn-sm btn-xs-half btn-primary" target="_blank"><i class="bi bi-envelope-fill"></i> Roundcube</a>';

Edit data/web/mailbox.php and add this line to array $template_data:

  'allow_admin_email_login_roundcube' => (preg_match("/^(yes|y)+$/i", $_ENV["ALLOW_ADMIN_EMAIL_LOGIN_ROUNDCUBE"])) ? 'true' : 'false',

Edit data/web/templates/mailbox.twig and add this code to the bottom of the javascript section:

  var ALLOW_ADMIN_EMAIL_LOGIN_ROUNDCUBE = {{ allow_admin_email_login_roundcube }};

Copy the contents of the following files from this Snippet:

  • data/web/inc/lib/RoundcubeAutoLogin.php
  • data/web/rc-auth.php

Finish installation

Finally, restart mailcow

docker compose down
docker compose up -d
docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d

Upgrading Roundcube

Upgrading Roundcube is rather simple, go to the GitHub releases page for Roundcube and get the link for the "complete.tar.gz" file for the wanted release. Then follow the below commands and change the URL and Roundcube folder name if needed.

# Enter a bash session of the mailcow PHP container
docker exec -it mailcowdockerized-php-fpm-mailcow-1 bash

# Install required upgrade dependency, then upgrade Roundcube to wanted release
apk add rsync
cd /tmp
wget -O - | tar xfvz -
cd roundcubemail-1.6.9
bin/ /web/rc

# Type 'Y' and press enter to upgrade your install of Roundcube
# Type 'N' to "Do you want me to fix your local configuration" if prompted

# If you see "NOTICE: Update dependencies by running php composer.phar update --no-dev" run composer:
cd /web/rc
composer update --no-dev -o
# If asked "Do you trust "roundcube/plugin-installer" to execute code and wish to enable it now? (writes "allow-plugins" to composer.json) [y,n,d,?] " hit y and continue.

# Remove leftover files
rm -rf /tmp/roundcube*

# If you're going from 1.5 to 1.6 please run the config file changes below
sed -i "s/\$config\['default_host'\].*$/\$config\['imap_host'\]\ =\ 'dovecot:143'\;/" /web/rc/config/
sed -i "/\$config\['default_port'\].*$/d" /web/rc/config/
sed -i "s/\$config\['smtp_server'\].*$/\$config\['smtp_host'\]\ =\ 'postfix:588'\;/" /web/rc/config/
sed -i "/\$config\['smtp_port'\].*$/d" /web/rc/config/
sed -i "s/\$config\['managesieve_host'\].*$/\$config\['managesieve_host'\]\ =\ 'dovecot:4190'\;/" /web/rc/config/
sed -i "/\$config\['managesieve_port'\].*$/d" /web/rc/config/

Upgrade composer plugins

To upgrade roundcube plugins installed using composer and dependencies (e.g. RCMCardDAV plugin), you can simply run composer in the container:

docker exec -it -w /web/rc $(docker ps -f name=php-fpm-mailcow -q) composer update --no-dev -o

Upgrade mime type mappings

To upgrade the mime type mappings, re-download them using the command in the installation instructions.

Uninstalling roundcube

For the uninstallation, it is also assumed that the commands are executed in the mailcow installation directory and that mailcow.conf has been sourced in the shell, see Preparation above.

Remove the web directory

This deletes the roundcube installation and all plugins and dependencies that you may have installed, including those installed with composer.

Note: This deletes also any custom configuration that you may have done in roundcube. If you want to preserve it, move it some place else instead of deleting it.

rm -r data/web/rc

Remove the database

Note: This clears all data stored for roundcube. If you want to preserve it, you could use mysqldump before deleting the data, or simply keep the database.

docker exec -it $(docker ps -f name=mysql-mailcow -q) mysql -uroot -p${DBROOT} -e "DROP USER 'roundcube'@'%';"
docker exec -it $(docker ps -f name=mysql-mailcow -q) mysql -uroot -p${DBROOT} -e "DROP DATABASE roundcubemail;"

Remove any custom configuration files we added to mailcow

To determine these, please read through the installation steps and revert what you changed there.

Migration from older mailcow roundcube setup

Older versions of this instruction used the mailcow database also for roundcube, with a configured name prefix mailcow_rc1 on all roundcube tables.

For the migration, it is also assumed that the commands are executed in the mailcow installation directory and that mailcow.conf has been sourced in the shell, see Preparation above. The commands of the different steps build on each other and must be executed in the same shell. Particularly, some steps set shell variables (most importantly the DBROUNDCUBE variable with the database password of the roundcube database user) used in later steps.

Create new roundcube database user and database

Follow the steps above to create the roundcube database user and the separate database.

Migrate roundcube data from mailcow database

Before starting the database migration, we disable roundcube to avoid further changes to the roundcube database tables during the migration.

cat <<EOCONFIG >data/conf/nginx/site.roundcube.custom
location ^~ /rc/ {
  return 503;
docker compose exec nginx-mailcow nginx -s reload

Now we copy the roundcube data to the new database. We strip the database table prefix in the process, you may need to adjust mailcow_rc1 in case you used a different prefix. It is also possible to keep the prefix (then also keep the respective db_prefix roundcube setting). Then amend the foreign keys.

RCTABLES=$(docker exec -it $(docker ps -f name=mysql-mailcow -q) mysql -uroot -p${DBROOT} -sN mailcow -e "show tables like 'mailcow_rc1%';" | tr '\n\r' ' ')
docker exec $(docker ps -f name=mysql-mailcow -q) /bin/bash -c "mysqldump -uroot -p${DBROOT} mailcow $RCTABLES | sed 's/mailcow_rc1//' | mysql -uroot -p${DBROOT} roundcubemail"
docker exec $(docker ps -f name=mysql-mailcow -q) mysql -uroot -p${DBROOT} roundcubemail -e "$FOREIGNKEYS"

Update roundcube configuration

Run the following to remove the no longer required db_prefix option. We also enable logging of roundcube by removing the settings log_dir and temp_dir that were part of the old setup instructions.

sed -i "/\$config\['db_prefix'\].*$/d" data/web/rc/config/
sed -i "/\$config\['log_dir'\].*$/d" data/web/rc/config/
sed -i "/\$config\['temp_dir'\].*$/d" data/web/rc/config/

We need to adapt the nginx configuration for roundcube to not expose the non-public folders of roundcube, specifically those containing temporary files and log files:

cat <<EOCONFIG >data/conf/nginx/site.roundcube.custom
location /rc/ {
  alias /web/rc/public_html/;

We can also update the cipher_method to a more secure one but mind that data previously encrypted by roundcube cannot be decrypted anymore afterwards. This specifically affects stored CardDAV passwords if you use RCMCardDAV and your users added custom addressbooks (the preset will be fixed automatically upon next login of the user). If you want to change the cipher_method, run:

cat <<EOCONFIG >>data/web/rc/config/
\$config['cipher_method'] = 'chacha20-poly1305';

Switch RCMCardDAV plugin to composer installation method

This is optional but will align your installation with these instructions and enable you to upgrade RCMCardDAV using composer. This is simply done by deleting the carddav plugin from the installation and installing it using composer according to the instructions above, which include the creation of a new RCMCardDAV v5 config. In case you modified your RCMCardDAV configuration file, you may want to backup it before deleting the plugin and carry over your changes to the new configuration afterwards as well.

To delete the carddav plugin run the following command, then re-install according to the instructions above:

rm -r data/web/rc/plugins/carddav

Switch roundcube to new database

First adapt the roundcube configuration to use the new database.

sed -i "/\$config\['db_dsnw'\].*$/d" data/web/rc/config/
cat <<EOCONFIG >>data/web/rc/config/
\$config['db_dsnw'] = 'mysql://roundcube:${DBROUNDCUBE}@mysql/roundcubemail';

Re-enable roundcube web access

Execute the chown and chmod commands on sensitive roundcube directories listed in Preparation, to make sure the nginx webserver cannot access files it is not supposed to serve.

Then re-enable web access to roundcube by replacing our temporary roundcube custom config for the one described above, and reload the nginx configuration:

docker compose exec nginx-mailcow nginx -s reload

Other changes

You must also adapt the configuration of the roundcube password plugin according to this instruction, specifically if you use the password changing functionality, since the old instruction directly changed the password in the database, whereas this version of the instruction uses the mailcow API for the password change.

Regarding other changes and additions (e.g., dovecot_client_ip plugin), you can go through the current installation instructions and adapt your configuration accordingly or perform the listed installation steps for new additions.

Specifically, consider the following sections: - Ofelia job for roundcube housekeeping - Allow plaintext authentication in dovecot, if you adapt the roundcube configuration to contact dovecot via non-encrypted IMAP connection. - Forward the client network address to dovecot

Removing roundcube tables from mailcow database

After you have verified that the migration was successful and roundcube works using the separate database, you can remove the roundcube tables from the mailcow database using the following command:

docker exec -it $(docker ps -f name=mysql-mailcow -q) mysql -uroot -p${DBROOT} -sN mailcow -e "SET SESSION foreign_key_checks = 0; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $(echo $RCTABLES | sed -e 's/ \+/,/g');"