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To add or edit your Identity Provider configuration, log in to your mailcow UI as administrator, go to System > Configuration > Access > Identity Provider and select LDAP from the Identity Provider dropdown.

  • Host: The address of your LDAP server. You can provide a single hostname or a comma-separated list of hosts for fallback in case the primary server is unreachable.
  • Port: The port used to connect to the LDAP server.
  • Use SSL: enable LDAPS connection. If Port is set to 389 it will be overriden to 636.
  • Use TLS: enable TLS connection. TLS is recommended over SSL. SSL Ports cannot be used.
  • Ignore SSL Errors: If enabled, SSL certificate validation will be bypassed.
  • Base DN: The Distinguished Name (DN) from which searches will be performed.
  • Username Field: The LDAP attribute used to identify users during authentication. Defaults to mail.
  • Filter: An optional LDAP search filter to refine which users can authenticate.
  • Attribute Field: Specifies an LDAP attribute that holds a specific value which can be mapped to a mailbox template using the Attribute Mapping section.
  • Bind DN: The Distinguished Name (DN) of the LDAP user that will be used to authenticate and perform LDAP searches. This account should have sufficient permissions to read the required attributes.
  • Bind Password: The password for the Bind DN user. It is required for authentication when connecting to the LDAP server.
  • Attribute Mapping:
    • Attribute: Defines the LDAP attribute value that should be mapped.
    • Template: Specifies which mailbox template should be applied for the defined LDAP attribute value
  • Periodic Full Sync: If enabled, a full synchronization of all LDAP users and attributes will be performed periodically.
  • Import Users: If enabled, new users will be automatically imported from LDAP into mailcow.
  • Sync / Import Interval (min): Defines the time interval (in minutes) for periodic synchronization and user imports.

Automatic User Provisioning

If a user does not exist in mailcow and logs in via mail protocols (IMAP/SIEVE/POP3/SMTP) or the mailcow UI, the user will be automatically created, provided that a matching attribute mapping is configured.

How It Works

  1. On login, mailcow performs an LDAP bind and, if successful, retrieves the user's LDAP attributes.
  2. mailcow looks for the specified Attribute Field and retrieves its value.
  3. If the value matches an attribute defined in the Attribute Mapping, the corresponding mailbox template is applied.

Example Configuration

  • The user has an LDAP attribute otherMailbox with the value default.
  • In mailcow, set Attribute Field to othermailbox.
  • Under Attribute Mapping, set Attribute to default and select an appropriate mailbox template.

Updates on Login

Each time a user logs in, mailcow checks if the assigned template has changed. If so, it updates the mailbox settings accordingly.

Import and Updates via Crontask

If Import Users is enabled, a scheduled cron job will automatically import users from LDAP to mailcow at the specified Sync / Import Interval (min).

If Periodic Full Sync is enabled, the cron job will also update existing users at the specified Sync / Import Interval (min), ensuring that any changes in LDAP are applied to their corresponding mailboxes in mailcow.

Check the logs for imports and sync updates under System > Information > Logs > Crontasks.

Change the Authentication Source for Existing Users

Once you have configured an LDAP Identity Provider, you can change the authentication source for existing users from mailcow to LDAP.

  1. Navigate to E-Mail > Configuration > Mailboxes.
  2. Edit the user.
  3. From the Identity Provider dropdown, select LDAP.
  4. Save the changes.


The existing SQL password is not overwritten. If you switch the authentication source back to mailcow, the user will be able to log in with their previous password.


If users cannot log in, first check the log details under: System > Information > Logs > mailcow UI.
Then, follow these steps to diagnose and resolve the issue:

  1. Test Connection

    • Navigate to System > Configuration > Access > Identity Provider.
    • Run the Connection Test and ensure it completes successfully.
  2. Verify the User’s Mail Domain

    • Ensure the user’s mail domain exists in mailcow.
    • Check if the domain is limited by "Max. possible mailboxes" or "Domain quota".
  3. Confirm Attribute Mapping

    • Make sure a matching Attribute Mapping is configured for the users.
  4. LDAP Filter

    • Double-check your LDAP filter if one is configured.

If you’re experiencing issues with Periodic Full Sync or Import Users, review the logs under System > Information > Logs > Crontasks